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What’s the one thing?

I like building / working with businesses that are between $5-50M. That’s typically before they get too process heavy and lose creativity and that early stage GSD mentality.

Often times the models and plans get overcomplicated because they try and act like a bigger corp when really, it’s not necessary.

I’ve built and worked in models that are 124 rows deep and pulling from multiple tabs. It’s great to show a deep understanding of all the different data points and assumptions, but the reality is it’s typically overkill.

If a business is looking to grow at the revenue levels stated above, it’s typically 1 primary metric that needs to improve and be focused on. That one will be different for different companies at different stages, but if you focus on the right one it will drive the growth for the next year.

Example – two different companies I’m connected to indirectly have both realized monthly repeat customer count will be the primary driver of growth in 2024. The math checks out.

Seems simple, right? Focus on improving one specific metric. How hard can that be? Well, first you have to make sure you picked the right one, then determine the best plan to improve it and, most importantly, not get distracted by the thousand other things that will come up throughout the year.

As you finalize planning for 2024, what’s the one thing you need to improve that will drive the most growth?

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